5 Reasons You Should Use BLIK Payment Methods at Online Casinos 

 July 8, 2022

The online gambling world has partnered with many industries to develop solutions. For instance, gaming developers have produced many casino games, and fintech companies have provided platforms for easy transactions between two parties. No doubt, many of these commercial enterprises are dependent on each other.

These collaborations between industries have birthed many games and payment methods that give gamblers a smooth experience. In Poland, the introduction of BLIK is a valuable addition to smooth gaming transactions. The payment system was launched in 2015 by the alliance of six banks known as the Polski Standard Płatności.


According to casino expert, Eliasz Nowak, „Warto płacić Blikiem, ponieważ dzięki niemu możemy przeprowadzić bezpieczniejsze i szybsze płatności na polskich stronach z grami. To krajowy system, którego celem jest ułatwienie klientowi każdej transakcji bankowej. Tak jest w przypadku Casino Online Blik, gdzie otrzymujemy w pełni zabezpieczoną i łatwą w użytkowaniu (także dla osób na bakier z technologią) metodę płatności dostępną dla wszystkich. To nie tylko znaczące ułatwienie dla graczy, ale też wzrost wartości całej branży, która dzięki takim wygodom, może liczyć na napływ klientów ceniących sobie proste i przejrzyste rozwiązania.”



This article will discuss the many advantages of using the BLIK payment method at online casinos.


What Is The BLIK Payment System?

The Polish payment method allows instant money transfers between bank accounts. A group of Polish competitive banks developed it for every Polish citizen with an account under at least one of the partner banks. There are currently over 15 banks that have accepted this system.


Besides offering instantaneous transfers, it also provides a safe and secured payment environment. Due to this, it has become a fast-growing and widely accepted transaction method as many people now play games at an online casino with the BLIK payment system.

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According to a study by Statista, the number of transactions has skyrocketed from 2 million in 2015 to 763 million in 2021, with the number of internet transactions reaching 240 million in the fourth quarter of 2021. If you are gambling in Poland, this is one of the best ways to pay, earn money, and enjoy your games.


Why You Should Use BLIK Payment Methods At Online Casinos

While there are many ways of paying and withdrawing from your casino account, here are some of the reasons why you should consider this method:


  1. Faster and Convenient Transaction 

BLIK is a quick money transfer platform. It allows the passage of money between bank accounts instantly. This means you do not have to wait long to process your winnings from your gambling account to your bank. It can serve as an intermediary, and you can deposit and withdraw funds from any online casino with BLIK.

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There’s also no long registration process or waiting periods before playing games, so you can start playing at your chosen website as soon as you’ve made your deposit. The transfers are free and accessible with your phone number and special codes that expire in 2 minutes. This shows that speed is one of the numerous advantages of BLIK payment systems.


  1. You Can Transfer on Your Mobile Devices

The BLIK mobile app is a platform that lets gamblers access their transactions on their smartphone or tablet. You can also transfer on this app without punching in your bank or card details.

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You can make immediate transfers with only your recipient’s phone number and name. However, you cannot utilize it if you do not have a registered account. You can register and make mobile transfers through these processes:


  • Download the app from your app store.
  • Sign up for an account.
  • Log into your account and click on BLIK transfer to mobile.
  • Enter the beneficiary’s phone number, name, and the amount you want to transfer.
  • Transfers are made immediately.


  1. Guaranteed Security of Your Money Transfers

The numerous fraudulent activities that accompany online payments discourage many gamblers. However, you can use the BLIK payment method at online casinos without worry.

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It is one of the most popular payment methods accepted by online gambling houses in Poland, with numerous benefits. One of these benefits is secured transactions. Its secured algorithms guarantee the safety of its users’ financial details and protect them from the influence of third parties during transactions.


Additionally, the developers ensure the safety of gamblers using their services online with any gambling site accepting this method — meaning that funds are only transferred between players and casinos after initial verification and authentication.


  1. Access to Bonuses

Among the numerous casino bonuses accessible to gamblers, BLIK offers its users many useful and well-known bonuses such as match bonuses, free spins, cashback bonuses, and prizes from games.

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Online sites that accept this payment system will keep players informed on their website so ensure you read the terms and conditions of any bonus before accepting it.


  1. You Can Choose Your Account Preference

You can select your preferred savings option on your account. This can be manual or automatic. For instance, you can decide which amount you want to deposit into your account and when it should be deposited.


You can also play games for an unlimited time — as long as you like without experiencing any glitches on your account.



The popularity of this payment option is accredited to its efficient, fast, and secure mode of transaction. It also provides gamblers an easy and safe way to gamble online without risking their personal information to third parties. Playing at an online casino should offer convenience, which is the aim of choosing a site that utilizes BLIK.

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